In the NEwS.....
Chromebooks for Class of 2019
Coming Soon........
Student Council Steps Up for LJHS Students
The LJHS Student Council, under the sponsorship of 6th grade teacher, Huong Poelker donated matching funds in order to purchase a 6th grade Chromebook lab and 5 devices for each 6th grade classroom. Their generosity and support for learning is just one reason why LJHS is a great place to be.
October 2016
LJHS Circuit Rider
Teachers Get Techy!
Coming Soon......
Published August 23, 2023
October 2016
Eaton Charitable Fund Provides First Steps to 1:1
In October 2016, the Eaton Charitable Fund graciously donated $5,000 in matching funds to help purchase a Chromebook Lab for LJHS. These funds were the kick-off for what would be the start of a plan to go 1:1 at LJHS and get a lab at each elementary building.
Students of LJHS have been very excited by the addition of the Chromebooks and teachers are excited by how easy they are to use with students.
Lincoln Daily News
Teachers Go To Summer School.
Coming Soon.....
May 2016
Tech & Learning
Maximize learning Opportunities with Chromebook Management
Still, it’s not just about the technology—it’sabout what you do with it. Without purposeand thought, a Chromebook is no more thanan expensive paperweight. But when theChromebook is used to support, enhance,and transform learning, it can be a gamechanger in education. Of course, there arechallenges to managing students’ use of anytechnology in the classroom and theChromebook is no exception. However, whenteachers take advantage of all the device hasto offer and its integration with Google Appsfor Education, the Chromebook truly is theone device to rule them all. Read More....
Published October 28, 2015
I feel this is what our students need and the direction they are headed. It is important for us as teachers to be flexible and embrace change. You will need to get comfortable with not knowing everything there is to know about the technology. Remember to take baby steps. Set a goal for yourself on what you want to use and how to use it. We as teachers are professional facilitators of learning. As long as you know your curriculum and your learning targets and how to get the students there; let the students sort out the technology. They will enjoy the problem solving.
Teacher - Mrs. Lora
Technology opens doors for students and teachers. The possibilities are endless. You can start small and add to what you are already doing . Students can access information quickly and easily. Students will have to live in a digital world, and they need the tools to navigate it. Teachers do ,too!
Teacher - Ms. Boehme
Technology is commonplace. We need to embrace it and bring more of it into the classroom and to our students. The classroom needs to be more than textbooks and paper. Students will be connected to a world of resources and people, and that will provide endless learning opportunities.
Teacher - Mrs. Poelker
Technology is a part of today’s society. Technology is a great way to motivate learning in the classroom. It’s a way to differentiate instruction, so that all students feel successful and independent with the curriculum. I am excited to have our district open to making it a positive learning experience for our students. Teachers are a start to what the students create, are engaged in, and pursue through their learning environments.
Teacher - Mrs. Singleton
Technology is no longer something that we can consider to be “the future”. It is and will continue to be our present and our students have embraced this and it is now our turn as teachers and a school district.
Teacher - Ms. Britton
Classrooms are really busy, and we do have a lot to teach already. It will be a challenge, but it will be worth it. You can incorporate technology into what you are already doing in the classroom, rather than make it a separate subject to teach. Students can do projects about what they are already learning. You can start small, and you will be surprised what the students already know and are able to do!
Teacher - Mrs. Anweiler